Usage Instructions

Fulvic Acid Organic Pre-Workout Instructions

Oshun Health Email Fulvic Acid Organic Pre-Workout
Published: 16 August 2023
Mariëtte Marais
Modified at: 14/09/2023
Table of Contents

Fulvic Acid Organic Pre-Workout

You can take your Fulvic Acid first thing in the morning followed by a big glass of unchlorinated water (i.e. not tap water) as the taste of the fulvic acid is quite strong. Chlorine interacts negatively with fulvic acid. Another dose may be taken later in the day if necessary.

Fulvic Acid is highly absorbable and absorption starts immediately. It reaches peak blood serum levels after 4 hours and is out of the system after 8 hours. So depending on the sport you do you will get the maximum benefit from it  2 – 4 hours after taking it. 

Fulvic Acid is not a stimulant but if you want to take a coffee with it there’s no harm in doing that. 

Fulvic Acid will spend its first week or two sorting things out in your body: adding needed minerals, detoxifying etc – all of which will contribute to your eventual performance. It’s very important to take it consistently every day, however, whether you’re training or not. It gradually builds in effectiveness.

If you experience symptoms of detoxification like nausea or headaches, it’s best to cut down on your dose and slowly build up.  

Some people feel a bit more tired than usual in the evenings after starting on fulvic acid whereas some struggle to fall asleep at night, but that should be over within a week.

Take care to leave a gap of at least 2 hours between taking fulvic acid and taking any other medication (e.g. antidepressants, blood pressure meds, birth control etc) you may be on as fulvic acid will increase your absorption of the active ingredients in other medications. 

Please note that the two fulvic acid products we sell (normal fulvic acid and pre-workout) are essentially the same but you would use it differently for sport, therefore the different labels.

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